# php-chrooter Use [chroot with PHP](https://www.php.net/manual/fr/function.chroot.php) anbd isolate your website. ## Configure To use it, edit chroot.sh and edit 3 variables : | Variable | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | CHROOTPATH | The path where this script store all files, bin, lib needed to chroot website (create this before) | | ZONEINFO | The path where zoneinfo is stored. Find this with `find /usr -type d -name "zoneinfo"` | | LISTCHROOTFILE | The list file who contain all chrooted directory | ## Use`` `bash chroot.sh --install` copy all dependencies and store it on CHROOTPATH. `bash chroot.sh --upgrade` upgrade all dependencies in CHROOTPATH. `bash chroot.sh --configure /my/website/path` add all dependencies in website folder mostly with hardlink.