# PeerTube Docker ([hub image](https://hub.docker.com/r/dryusdan/peertube/)) [![Build Status](https://drone.dryusdan.fr/api/badges/Dryusdan/docker-peertube/status.svg)](https://drone.dryusdan.fr/Dryusdan/docker-peertube) #### What is this? A docker image for [PeerTube](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/) the federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent. #### Features - Based on a Debian Jessie (slim image base of 80MB) #### Build-time variables - **PEERTUBE_VER** : version of PeerTube. #### Environment variables - **GID** : peertube group id *(default : 991)* - **UID** : peertube user id *(default : 991)* #### Volumes - **/PeerTube/avatars** : location of users avatars. - **/PeerTube/certs** : location of certs. - **/PeerTube/videos** : location of videos. - **/PeerTube/logs** : location of logs. - **/PeerTube/previews** : location of video preview image. - **/PeerTube/thumbnails** : location of thumbnails. - **/PeerTube/torrents** : location of torrents. #### Example of simple configuration Since PeerTube requires a database and for now only supports [PostgreSQL](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/#dependencies), here is an example (running docker-compose for convenience) that links to the official PostgreSQL docker image. You can of course adapt to use your favorite PostgreSQL image. Just be sure to follow the [production guide](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/develop/support/doc/production.md) and properly configure your reverse proxy. ```yaml version: "3" services: peertube: image: index.docker.io/dryusdan/peertube:latest container_name: peertube restart: always environment: - HTTPS=true - HOSTNAME=peertube.tld - PORT=443 - DATABASE_HOST=db - DATABASE_USERNAME=peertube - DATABASE_PASSWORD= - ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@peertube.tld - SIGNUP_ENABLE=true - TRANSCODING_THREADS=2 - BODY_SIZE=1G - SIGNUP_LIMIT=-1 - CACHE_SIZE=100 - VIDEO_QUOTA=104857600 external_links: - peertube-db:db volumes: - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/avatars:/PeerTube/avatars - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/certs:/PeerTube/certs - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/videos:/PeerTube/videos - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/logs:/PeerTube/logs - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/previews:/PeerTube/previews - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/thumbnails:/PeerTube/thumbnails - /home/docker/services/web/peertube/torrents:/PeerTube/torrents peertube-db: restart: always container_name: peertube-postgresql image: index.docker.io/postgres:9.6.5-alpine environment: - POSTGRES_USER=peertube - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=peertube - POSTGRES_DB=peertube_prod volumes: - /home/docker/db/peertube/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data ```