FROM wonderfall/nginx-php:7.1 ARG NEXTCLOUD_VERSION=12.0.4 ARG GPG_nextcloud="2880 6A87 8AE4 23A2 8372 792E D758 99B9 A724 937A" ENV UID=991 GID=991 \ UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=10G \ APC_SHM_SIZE=128M \ OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE=128 \ MEMORY_LIMIT=512M \ CRON_PERIOD=15m \ CRON_MEMORY_LIMIT=1g \ TZ=Etc/UTC \ DB_TYPE=sqlite3 \ DOMAIN=localhost RUN apk -U upgrade \ && apk add -t build-dependencies \ gnupg \ tar \ build-base \ autoconf \ automake \ pcre-dev \ libtool \ samba-dev \ && apk add \ libressl \ ca-certificates \ libsmbclient \ tzdata \ && pecl install \ smbclient \ apcu \ redis \ && echo "" > /php/conf.d/smbclient.ini \ && echo "" > /php/conf.d/redis.ini \ && mkdir /nextcloud \ && cd /tmp \ && NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL="nextcloud-${NEXTCLOUD_VERSION}.tar.bz2" \ && wget -q${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL} \ && wget -q${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL}.sha512 \ && wget -q${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL}.asc \ && wget -q \ && echo "Verifying both integrity and authenticity of ${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL}..." \ && CHECKSUM_STATE=$(echo -n $(sha512sum -c ${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL}.sha512) | tail -c 2) \ && if [ "${CHECKSUM_STATE}" != "OK" ]; then echo "Warning! Checksum does not match!" && exit 1; fi \ && gpg --import nextcloud.asc \ && FINGERPRINT="$(LANG=C gpg --verify ${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL}.asc ${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL} 2>&1 \ | sed -n "s#Primary key fingerprint: \(.*\)#\1#p")" \ && if [ -z "${FINGERPRINT}" ]; then echo "Warning! Invalid GPG signature!" && exit 1; fi \ && if [ "${FINGERPRINT}" != "${GPG_nextcloud}" ]; then echo "Warning! Wrong GPG fingerprint!" && exit 1; fi \ && echo "All seems good, now unpacking ${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL}..." \ && tar xjf ${NEXTCLOUD_TARBALL} --strip 1 -C /nextcloud \ && update-ca-certificates \ && apk del build-dependencies \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* /tmp/* /root/.gnupg COPY rootfs / RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/* /etc/s6.d/*/* /etc/s6.d/.s6-svscan/* VOLUME /data /config /apps2 /nextcloud/themes EXPOSE 8888 LABEL description="A server software for creating file hosting services" \ nextcloud="Nextcloud v${NEXTCLOUD_VERSION}" \ maintainer="Wonderfall " CMD [""]