## wonderfall/isso ![](https://i.goopics.net/q1.png) #### What is this? Isso is a commenting server similar to Disqus. More info on the [official website](https://posativ.org/isso/). #### Features - Based on Alpine Linux 3.3. - Latest Isso installed with `pip`. #### Build-time variables - **ISSO_VER** : version of Isso. #### Environment variables - **GID** : isso group id *(default : 991)* - **UID** : isso user id *(default : 991)* #### Volumes - **/config** : location of configuration files. - **/db** : location of SQLite database. #### Ports - **8080** [(reverse proxy!)](https://github.com/hardware/mailserver/wiki/Reverse-proxy-configuration). #### Example of simple configuration Here is the full documentation : https://posativ.org/isso/docs/ ``` # /mnt/docker/isso/config/isso.conf [general] dbpath = /db/comments.db host = https://cats.schrodinger.io/ [server] listen = # docker-compose.yml isso: image: wonderfall/isso environment: - GID=1000 - UID=1000 volumes: - /mnt/docker/isso/config:/config - /mnt/docker/isso/db:/db ```