## wonderfall/freshrss A free, self-hostable aggregator : https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS #### Features - Based on Alpine Linux (wonderfall/nginx-php image) - Bundled with nginx and PHP7.1. - Automatic feed update (frequency at 30 minutes by default) #### Build-time variables - **FRESHRSS_VER** : version of FreshRSS #### Environment variables - **UID** : user id - **GID** : group id - **MEMORY_LIMIT** : php memory limit *(default : 128M)* - **UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE** : maximum upload size *(default : 10M)* - **CRON_PERIOD** : feed update frequency *(default : 30m)* #### Volumes - **/freshrss/data** #### Ports - **8888** [(reverse proxy!)](https://github.com/hardware/mailserver/wiki/Reverse-proxy-configuration)