site fini

This commit is contained in:
Dryusdan 2018-05-02 23:21:42 +02:00
parent acc40b51a2
commit 65bcf231e9
80 changed files with 9952 additions and 0 deletions

alavotre/.gitmodules vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "themes/dimension"]
path = themes/dimension
url =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true

alavotre/config.toml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
baseurl = ""
title = "Agence à la votre"
theme = "dimension"
languageCode = "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
enableRobotsTXT = true
description = '<!--[-->Agence de communication spécialisé dans le domaine viticole<!--]--><br />
<!--[-->Conseil stratégique | Digital | Graphisme | Événementiel | Relations presse | Audiovisuel<!--]-->'
logoimage = "images/logo_home.png"
copyright = "Agence À la votre 2018"
subtitle = "L'agence qui en débouche un coin"
medium = "instagram"
icon = "instagram"
lxink = ""
medium = "facebook"
icon = "facebook"
link = ""
medium = "Linkedin"
icon = "linkedin"
link = ""
languageName = "English"
weight = 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Agence"
date: 2018-05-02T21:16:08+02:00
draft: true
Millésime de 2017, notre agence de la Vallée de la Loire est un assemblage de 6 différents cépages aux arômes équilibrés, élevés dans le fût commun de lécole Sup de Com.
Notre équipe a des spécialisations diverses à vous offrir : stratégie, digital et création.
<h3>Des compétences variées pour une communication harmonieuse</h3>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: "Contact"
date: 2018-05-02T21:11:25+02:00
draft: true
<h3>Envie de nous rencontrer autour d'un verre de vin pour nous parler de votre projet ?</h3>
<form method="post" action="#">
<div class="contact-info">
<img src="/images/email.png"> <p><a href=""></a></p>
<div class="contact-info">
<img src="/images/telephone.png"> <p><a href="tel:0683184258">06 83 18 42 58</a></p>
<div class="contact-info">
<img src="/images/localisation.png"> <p>16 Boulevard Général de Gaulle, 44200 NANTES</p>
<div class="field half first">
<label for="name">Votre nom</label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
<div class="field half">
<label for="email">Votre email</label>
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
<div class="field">
<label for="message">Votre message</label>
<textarea name="message" id="message" rows="4"></textarea>
<ul class="actions">
<li><input type="submit" value="Envoyer" class="special" /></li>
{{< socialLinks >}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: "Crus de l'agence"
date: 2018-05-02T21:15:24+02:00
draft: true
Grand cru, cette offre accompagnera à merveille le développement de votre entreprise. En concordance avec les évolutions et tendances du marché, elle mettra en valeur votre singularité. Elle vous aidera à atteindre vos objectifs et toucher votre cible, en développant une stratégie de communication ronde en bouche, harmonieuse et équilibrée.
Véritable vitrine digitale, Internet offre à votre entreprise lexposition nécessaire pour faire mûrir sa notoriété. Cette offre a pour objectif doptimiser votre visibilité à travers le développement de votre site web, de vos réseaux sociaux et de votre présence globale sur internet. Nous vous accompagnons pour maîtriser ces outils au quotidien et gérer limage de marque de votre entreprise.
Parce-que votre entreprise mérite une robe intense, nous vous créons une identité visuelle unique et impactante, véritable reflet de votre activité et de vos valeurs. Nous nous occupons de tout : logo, supports prints, suppports web... Pour de belles nuances de couleurs.
Quel meilleur moyen que laudiovisuel pour sublimer le terroir et la gourmandise de votre activité ? Nous mettons en avant votre entreprise et ses valeurs, à travers des supports variés et sur-mesure : photos, vidéos et vidéos en motion design.
Effervescent à souhait, lévénement apportera un peu de fraîcheur à votre activité et saura enivrer vos clients et prospects ! Il est idéal pour fidéliser ou faire découvrir vos produits à un plus grand nombre. Côté visibilité ? Nous nous chargeons de tout ! Nous endossons le rôle de votre attaché de relations presse auprès des journalistes et organismes publics.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
title: "Équipe"
date: 2018-05-02T21:12:01+02:00
draft: true
<img src="images/equipenb.png" alt="equipe agence complete" id="equipeimg">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<img src="images/lulu.png" alt="Lucille">
Lucille Mercier
<br /> Chef de projet <br />
<span class="color-logo">Raffiné</span>
<div class="col">
<img src="images/lea.png" alt="Lea">
Léa Bouhier
<br /> Chargée de clientèle <br />
<span class="color-logo">Onctueux</span>
<div class="col">
<img src="images/lola.png" alt="Lola">
Lola Tessier
<br /> Chargée de clientèle <br />
<span class="color-logo">Élégant</span>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<img src="images/wendy.png" alt="Wendy">
Wendy Gueguen
<br />Chargée de prospection <br />
<span class="color-logo">Enjoué</span><br />&nbsp;
<div class="col">
<img src="images/manon.png" alt="Manon">
Manon Hattry
Webmaster et infographiste <br />
<span class="color-logo">Frais</span>
<div class="col">
<img src="images/fanny.png" alt="Fanny">
Fanny Ranson
Community manager <br />
<span class="color-logo">Charmant</span><br />&nbsp;

alavotre/public/css/font-awesome.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* BG */
#bg:before {
background: rgba(19, 21, 25, 0.5);
/* Header */
#header .logo {
margin: 0 auto;
#header .content {
display: inline-block;
#header nav ul {
display: inline-block;
#header nav ul li {
display: inline-block;
/* Main */
#main article {
margin: 0 auto;

alavotre/public/css/main.css Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Main */
#main article {
opacity: 1;
margin: 4rem 0 0 0;

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
<meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.39" />
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/project.css" />
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/noscript.css" /></noscript>
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="wrapper">
<header id="header">
<div class="logo">
<span class="icon fa-wine"></span>
<div class="content">
<div class="inner">
<p><!--[-->A fully responsive site template designed by <a href="">HTML5 UP</a> and released<!--]--><br />
<!--[-->for free under the <a href="">Creative Commons</a> license.<!--]--></p>
<div id="main">
<div id="languages">
<a href="">English</a>
<footer id="footer">
<p class="copyright">&copy; Untitled. Design: <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>. Powered by <a href="">Hugo.</a></p>
<div id="bg"></div>
<script src="/js/skel.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/util.js"></script>
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
User-agent: *
Allow: /

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<urlset xmlns="">

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title></title><link rel="canonical" href=""/><meta name="robots" content="noindex"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" /></head></html>

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<urlset xmlns="">

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 434 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 35 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 87 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 566 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 38 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 30 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 591 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 36 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 552 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 36 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 142 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 33 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 151 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.4 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 138 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 149 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 128 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 55 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 331 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 140 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.39" />
<title>Agence à la votre</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/project.css" />
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/noscript.css" /></noscript>
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="wrapper">
<header id="header">
<div class="logo">
<img src="images/logo_home.png" width="100%" style="padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;">
<div class="content">
<div class="inner">
<h1>Agence à la votre</h1>
<h3>L'agence qui en débouche un coin</h3>
<p><!--[-->Agence de communication spécialisé dans le domaine viticole<!--]--><br />
<!--[-->Conseil stratégique | Digital | Graphisme | Événementiel | Relations presse | Audiovisuel<!--]--></p>
<div id="main">
<footer id="footer">
<p class="copyright">&copy; Agence À la votre 2018.</p>
<div id="bg"></div>
<script src="/js/skel.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/util.js"></script>
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>

alavotre/public/js/jquery.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

alavotre/public/js/main.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
(function($) {
xlarge: '(max-width: 1680px)',
large: '(max-width: 1280px)',
medium: '(max-width: 980px)',
small: '(max-width: 736px)',
xsmall: '(max-width: 480px)',
xxsmall: '(max-width: 360px)'
$(function() {
var $window = $(window),
$body = $('body'),
$wrapper = $('#wrapper'),
$header = $('#header'),
$footer = $('#footer'),
$languages = $('#languages'),
$main = $('#main'),
$main_articles = $main.children('article');
// Disable animations/transitions until the page has loaded.
$window.on('load', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
// Fix: Placeholder polyfill.
// Fix: Flexbox min-height bug on IE.
if (skel.vars.IEVersion < 12) {
var flexboxFixTimeoutId;
$window.on('resize.flexbox-fix', function() {
flexboxFixTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
if ($wrapper.prop('scrollHeight') > $window.height())
$wrapper.css('height', 'auto');
$wrapper.css('height', '100vh');
}, 250);
// Nav.
var $nav = $header.children('nav'),
$nav_li = $nav.find('li');
// Add "middle" alignment classes if we're dealing with an even number of items.
if ($nav_li.length % 2 == 0) {
$nav_li.eq( ($nav_li.length / 2) ).addClass('is-middle');
// Main.
var delay = 325,
locked = false;
// Methods.
$main._show = function(id, initial) {
var $article = $main_articles.filter('#' + id);
// No such article? Bail.
if ($article.length == 0)
// Handle lock.
// Already locked? Speed through "show" steps w/o delays.
if (locked || (typeof initial != 'undefined' && initial === true)) {
// Mark as switching.
// Mark as visible.
// Deactivate all articles (just in case one's already active).
// Hide header, footer, languages.
// Show main, article.
// Activate article.
// Unlock.
locked = false;
// Unmark as switching.
setTimeout(function() {
}, (initial ? 1000 : 0));
// Lock.
locked = true;
// Article already visible? Just swap articles.
if ($body.hasClass('is-article-visible')) {
// Deactivate current article.
var $currentArticle = $main_articles.filter('.active');
// Show article.
setTimeout(function() {
// Hide current article.
// Show article.
// Activate article.
setTimeout(function() {
// Window stuff.
// Unlock.
setTimeout(function() {
locked = false;
}, delay);
}, 25);
}, delay);
// Otherwise, handle as normal.
else {
// Mark as visible.
// Show article.
setTimeout(function() {
// Hide header, footer, languages.
// Show main, article.
// Activate article.
setTimeout(function() {
// Window stuff.
// Unlock.
setTimeout(function() {
locked = false;
}, delay);
}, 25);
}, delay);
$main._hide = function(addState) {
var $article = $main_articles.filter('.active');
// Article not visible? Bail.
if (!$body.hasClass('is-article-visible'))
// Add state?
if (typeof addState != 'undefined'
&& addState === true)
history.pushState(null, null, '#');
// Handle lock.
// Already locked? Speed through "hide" steps w/o delays.
if (locked) {
// Mark as switching.
// Deactivate article.
// Hide article, main.
// Show footer, header.
// Unmark as visible.
// Unlock.
locked = false;
// Unmark as switching.
// Window stuff.
// Lock.
locked = true;
// Deactivate article.
// Hide article.
setTimeout(function() {
// Hide article, main.
// Show footer, header.
// Unmark as visible.
setTimeout(function() {
// Window stuff.
// Unlock.
setTimeout(function() {
locked = false;
}, delay);
}, 25);
}, delay);
// Articles.
$main_articles.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
// Close.
$('<div class="close">Close</div>')
.on('click', function() {
location.hash = '';
// Prevent clicks from inside article from bubbling.
$this.on('click', function(event) {
// Events.
$body.on('click', function(event) {
// Article visible? Hide.
if ($body.hasClass('is-article-visible'))
$window.on('keyup', function(event) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 27:
// Article visible? Hide.
if ($body.hasClass('is-article-visible'))
$window.on('hashchange', function(event) {
// Empty hash?
if (location.hash == ''
|| location.hash == '#') {
// Prevent default.
// Hide.
// Otherwise, check for a matching article.
else if ($main_articles.filter(location.hash).length > 0) {
// Prevent default.
// Show article.
// Scroll restoration.
// This prevents the page from scrolling back to the top on a hashchange.
if ('scrollRestoration' in history)
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
else {
var oldScrollPos = 0,
scrollPos = 0,
$htmlbody = $('html,body');
.on('scroll', function() {
oldScrollPos = scrollPos;
scrollPos = $htmlbody.scrollTop();
.on('hashchange', function() {
// Initialize.
// Hide main, articles.
// Initial article.
if (location.hash != ''
&& location.hash != '#')
$window.on('load', function() {
$main._show(location.hash.substr(1), true);

alavotre/public/js/skel.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

alavotre/public/js/util.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
(function($) {
* Generate an indented list of links from a nav. Meant for use with panel().
* @return {jQuery} jQuery object.
$.fn.navList = function() {
var $this = $(this);
$a = $this.find('a'),
b = [];
$a.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
indent = Math.max(0, $this.parents('li').length - 1),
href = $this.attr('href'),
target = $this.attr('target');
'<a ' +
'class="link depth-' + indent + '"' +
( (typeof target !== 'undefined' && target != '') ? ' target="' + target + '"' : '') +
( (typeof href !== 'undefined' && href != '') ? ' href="' + href + '"' : '') +
'>' +
'<span class="indent-' + indent + '"></span>' +
$this.text() +
return b.join('');
* Panel-ify an element.
* @param {object} userConfig User config.
* @return {jQuery} jQuery object.
$.fn.panel = function(userConfig) {
// No elements?
if (this.length == 0)
return $this;
// Multiple elements?
if (this.length > 1) {
for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++)
return $this;
// Vars.
var $this = $(this),
$body = $('body'),
$window = $(window),
id = $this.attr('id'),
// Config.
config = $.extend({
// Delay.
delay: 0,
// Hide panel on link click.
hideOnClick: false,
// Hide panel on escape keypress.
hideOnEscape: false,
// Hide panel on swipe.
hideOnSwipe: false,
// Reset scroll position on hide.
resetScroll: false,
// Reset forms on hide.
resetForms: false,
// Side of viewport the panel will appear.
side: null,
// Target element for "class".
target: $this,
// Class to toggle.
visibleClass: 'visible'
}, userConfig);
// Expand "target" if it's not a jQuery object already.
if (typeof != 'jQuery') = $(;
// Panel.
// Methods.
$this._hide = function(event) {
// Already hidden? Bail.
if (!
// If an event was provided, cancel it.
if (event) {
// Hide.;
// Post-hide stuff.
window.setTimeout(function() {
// Reset scroll position.
if (config.resetScroll)
// Reset forms.
if (config.resetForms)
$this.find('form').each(function() {
}, config.delay);
// Vendor fixes.
.css('-ms-overflow-style', '-ms-autohiding-scrollbar')
.css('-webkit-overflow-scrolling', 'touch');
// Hide on click.
if (config.hideOnClick) {
.css('-webkit-tap-highlight-color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
.on('click', 'a', function(event) {
var $a = $(this),
href = $a.attr('href'),
target = $a.attr('target');
if (!href || href == '#' || href == '' || href == '#' + id)
// Cancel original event.
// Hide panel.
// Redirect to href.
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (target == '_blank');
window.location.href = href;
}, config.delay + 10);
// Event: Touch stuff.
$this.on('touchstart', function(event) {
$this.touchPosX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
$this.touchPosY = event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
$this.on('touchmove', function(event) {
if ($this.touchPosX === null
|| $this.touchPosY === null)
var diffX = $this.touchPosX - event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,
diffY = $this.touchPosY - event.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY,
th = $this.outerHeight(),
ts = ($this.get(0).scrollHeight - $this.scrollTop());
// Hide on swipe?
if (config.hideOnSwipe) {
var result = false,
boundary = 20,
delta = 50;
switch (config.side) {
case 'left':
result = (diffY < boundary && diffY > (-1 * boundary)) && (diffX > delta);
case 'right':
result = (diffY < boundary && diffY > (-1 * boundary)) && (diffX < (-1 * delta));
case 'top':
result = (diffX < boundary && diffX > (-1 * boundary)) && (diffY > delta);
case 'bottom':
result = (diffX < boundary && diffX > (-1 * boundary)) && (diffY < (-1 * delta));
if (result) {
$this.touchPosX = null;
$this.touchPosY = null;
return false;
// Prevent vertical scrolling past the top or bottom.
if (($this.scrollTop() < 0 && diffY < 0)
|| (ts > (th - 2) && ts < (th + 2) && diffY > 0)) {
// Event: Prevent certain events inside the panel from bubbling.
$this.on('click touchend touchstart touchmove', function(event) {
// Event: Hide panel if a child anchor tag pointing to its ID is clicked.
$this.on('click', 'a[href="#' + id + '"]', function(event) {
// Body.
// Event: Hide panel on body click/tap.
$body.on('click touchend', function(event) {
// Event: Toggle.
$body.on('click', 'a[href="#' + id + '"]', function(event) {
// Window.
// Event: Hide on ESC.
if (config.hideOnEscape)
$window.on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 27)
return $this;
* Apply "placeholder" attribute polyfill to one or more forms.
* @return {jQuery} jQuery object.
$.fn.placeholder = function() {
// Browser natively supports placeholders? Bail.
if (typeof (document.createElement('input')).placeholder != 'undefined')
return $(this);
// No elements?
if (this.length == 0)
return $this;
// Multiple elements?
if (this.length > 1) {
for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++)
return $this;
// Vars.
var $this = $(this);
// Text, TextArea.
.each(function() {
var i = $(this);
if (i.val() == ''
|| i.val() == i.attr('placeholder'))
.on('blur', function() {
var i = $(this);
if (i.attr('name').match(/-polyfill-field$/))
if (i.val() == '')
.on('focus', function() {
var i = $(this);
if (i.attr('name').match(/-polyfill-field$/))
if (i.val() == i.attr('placeholder'))
// Password.
.each(function() {
var i = $(this);
var x = $(
.replace(/type="password"/i, 'type="text"')
.replace(/type=password/i, 'type=text')
if (i.attr('id') != '')
x.attr('id', i.attr('id') + '-polyfill-field');
if (i.attr('name') != '')
x.attr('name', i.attr('name') + '-polyfill-field');
if (i.val() == '')
.on('blur', function(event) {
var x = i.parent().find('input[name=' + i.attr('name') + '-polyfill-field]');
if (i.val() == '') {
.on('focus', function(event) {
var i = x.parent().find('input[name=' + x.attr('name').replace('-polyfill-field', '') + ']');
.on('keypress', function(event) {
// Events.
.on('submit', function() {
.each(function(event) {
var i = $(this);
if (i.attr('name').match(/-polyfill-field$/))
i.attr('name', '');
if (i.val() == i.attr('placeholder')) {
.on('reset', function(event) {
.each(function() {
var i = $(this),
switch (this.type) {
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
case 'password':
x = i.parent().find('input[name=' + i.attr('name') + '-polyfill-field]');
if (i.val() == '') {
else {;
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
i.attr('checked', i.attr('defaultValue'));
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
if (i.val() == '') {
return $this;
* Moves elements to/from the first positions of their respective parents.
* @param {jQuery} $elements Elements (or selector) to move.
* @param {bool} condition If true, moves elements to the top. Otherwise, moves elements back to their original locations.
$.prioritize = function($elements, condition) {
var key = '__prioritize';
// Expand $elements if it's not already a jQuery object.
if (typeof $elements != 'jQuery')
$elements = $($elements);
// Step through elements.
$elements.each(function() {
var $e = $(this), $p,
$parent = $e.parent();
// No parent? Bail.
if ($parent.length == 0)
// Not moved? Move it.
if (!$ {
// Condition is false? Bail.
if (!condition)
// Get placeholder (which will serve as our point of reference for when this element needs to move back).
$p = $e.prev();
// Couldn't find anything? Means this element's already at the top, so bail.
if ($p.length == 0)
// Move element to top of parent.
// Mark element as moved.
$, $p);
// Moved already?
else {
// Condition is true? Bail.
if (condition)
$p = $;
// Move element back to its original location (using our placeholder).
// Unmark element as moved.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
User-agent: *
Allow: /

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Basic */
// MSIE: Required for IEMobile.
@-ms-viewport {
width: device-width;
// Ensures page width is always >=320px.
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
html, body {
min-width: 320px;
body {
background: _palette(bg);
// Prevents animation/transition "flicker" on page load.
// Automatically added/removed by js/main.js.
&.is-switching {
*, *:before, *:after {
@include vendor('animation', 'none !important');
@include vendor('transition', 'none !important');
@include vendor('transition-delay', 'none !important');

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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Type */
html {
font-size: 16pt;
@include breakpoint(xlarge) {
font-size: 12pt;
@include breakpoint(small) {
font-size: 11pt;
@include breakpoint(xxsmall) {
font-size: 10pt;
body, input, select, textarea {
color: _palette(fg);
font-family: _font(family);
font-weight: _font(weight);
font-size: 1rem;
line-height: 1.65;
a {
@include vendor('transition', (
'color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out',
'background-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out',
'border-bottom-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out'
border-bottom: dotted 1px _palette(fg-light);
text-decoration: none;
color: inherit;
&:hover {
border-bottom-color: transparent;
strong, b {
color: _palette(fg-bold);
font-weight: _font(weight-bold);
em, i {
font-style: italic;
p {
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
color: _palette(fg-bold);
font-weight: _font(weight-bold);
line-height: 1.5;
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing);
a {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
&.major {
border-bottom: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
width: -moz-max-content;
width: -webkit-max-content;
width: -ms-max-content;
width: max-content;
padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 1) 0;
h1 {
font-size: 2.25rem;
line-height: 1.3;
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing-heading);
h2 {
font-size: 1.5rem;
line-height: 1.4;
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing-heading);
h3 {
font-size: 1rem;
h4 {
font-size: 0.8rem;
h5 {
font-size: 0.7rem;
h6 {
font-size: 0.6rem;
@include breakpoint(small) {
h1 {
font-size: 1.75rem;
line-height: 1.4;
h2 {
font-size: 1.25em;
line-height: 1.5;
sub {
font-size: 0.8rem;
position: relative;
top: 0.5rem;
sup {
font-size: 0.8rem;
position: relative;
top: -0.5rem;
blockquote {
border-left: solid (_size(border-width) * 4) _palette(border);
font-style: italic;
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
padding: (_size(element-margin) / 4) 0 (_size(element-margin) / 4) _size(element-margin);
code {
background: _palette(border-bg);
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
font-family: _font(family-fixed);
font-size: 0.9rem;
margin: 0 0.25rem;
padding: 0.25rem 0.65rem;
pre {
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
font-family: _font(family-fixed);
font-size: 0.9rem;
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
code {
display: block;
line-height: 1.75;
padding: 1rem 1.5rem;
overflow-x: auto;
hr {
border: 0;
border-bottom: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
margin: (_size(element-margin) * 1.375) 0;
.align-left {
text-align: left;
.align-center {
text-align: center;
.align-right {
text-align: right;

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Box */
.box {
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
margin-bottom: _size(element-margin);
padding: 1.5em;
> :last-child,
> :last-child > :last-child,
> :last-child > :last-child > :last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
&.alt {
border: 0;
border-radius: 0;
padding: 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Button */
.button {
@include vendor('appearance', 'none');
@include vendor('transition', 'background-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out, color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out');
background-color: transparent;
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
border: 0;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 _size(border-width) _palette(border);
color: _palette(fg-bold) !important;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 0.8rem;
font-weight: _font(weight);
height: _size(element-height);
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing);
line-height: _size(element-height);
outline: 0;
padding: 0 1.25rem 0 (1.25rem + (_font(letter-spacing) * 0.5));
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
white-space: nowrap;
&:hover {
background-color: _palette(border-bg);
&:active {
background-color: _palette(border-bg-alt);
&.icon {
&:before {
margin-right: 0.5em;
&.fit {
display: block;
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0;
width: 100%;
&.special {
background-color: _palette(fg-bold);
color: _palette(bg) !important;
font-weight: _font(weight-bold);
&:hover {
&:active {
&:disabled {
@include vendor('pointer-events', 'none');
cursor: default;
opacity: 0.25;
button {
line-height: calc(#{_size(element-height)} - 2px);

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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Form */
form {
$gutter: _size(element-margin) * 0.75;
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 1.25) 0;
.field {
margin: 0 0 ($gutter * 1) 0;
&.half {
width: 50%;
float: left;
padding: 0 0 0 ($gutter * 1 * 0.5);
&.first {
padding: 0 ($gutter * 1 * 0.5) 0 0;
> .actions {
margin: ($gutter * 1.25) 0 0 0 !important;
@include breakpoint(small) {
.field {
margin: 0 0 ($gutter * 0.75) 0;
&.half {
padding: 0 0 0 ($gutter * 0.75 * 0.5);
&.first {
padding: 0 ($gutter * 0.75 * 0.5) 0 0;
> .actions {
margin: ($gutter * 1) 0 0 0 !important;
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
.field {
&.half {
width: 100%;
float: none;
padding: 0;
&.first {
padding: 0;
label {
color: _palette(fg-bold);
display: block;
font-size: 0.8rem;
font-weight: _font(weight);
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing);
line-height: 1.5;
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
textarea {
@include vendor('appearance', 'none');
@include vendor('transition', (
'border-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out',
'box-shadow #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out',
'background-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out'
background: transparent;
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
color: inherit;
display: block;
outline: 0;
padding: 0 1rem;
text-decoration: none;
width: 100%;
&:invalid {
box-shadow: none;
&:focus {
background: _palette(border-bg);
border-color: _palette(fg-bold);
box-shadow: 0 0 0 _size(border-width) _palette(fg-bold);
select {
option {
background: _palette(bg);
color: _palette(fg);
.select-wrapper {
@include icon;
display: block;
position: relative;
&:before {
color: _palette(border);
content: '\f107';
display: block;
height: _size(element-height);
//line-height: _size(element-height);
line-height: calc(#{_size(element-height)} + 0em);
pointer-events: none;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
text-align: center;
top: 0;
width: _size(element-height);
select::-ms-expand {
display: none;
select {
height: _size(element-height);
textarea {
padding: 0.75rem 1rem;
input[type="radio"], {
@include vendor('appearance', 'none');
display: block;
float: left;
margin-right: -2rem;
opacity: 0;
width: 1rem;
z-index: -1;
& + label {
@include icon;
@include vendor('user-select', 'none');
color: _palette(fg);
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 0.8rem;
font-weight: _font(weight);
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.25) 0;
padding-left: (_size(element-height) * 0.6) + 1rem;
padding-right: 0.75rem;
position: relative;
&:before {
@include vendor('transition', (
'border-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out',
'box-shadow #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out',
'background-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out'
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
content: '';
display: inline-block;
height: (_size(element-height) * 0.6);
left: 0;
//line-height: (_size(element-height) * 0.575);
line-height: calc(#{_size(element-height) * 0.575} + 0em);
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
top: -0.125rem;
width: (_size(element-height) * 0.6);
&:checked + label {
&:before {
background: _palette(fg-bold) !important;
border-color: _palette(fg-bold) !important;
color: _palette(bg);
content: '\f00c';
&:focus + label {
&:before {
background: _palette(border-bg);
border-color: _palette(fg-bold);
box-shadow: 0 0 0 _size(border-width) _palette(fg-bold);
input[type="checkbox"] {
& + label {
&:before {
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
input[type="radio"] {
& + label {
&:before {
border-radius: 100%;
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: _palette(fg-light) !important;
opacity: 1.0;
:-moz-placeholder {
color: _palette(fg-light) !important;
opacity: 1.0;
::-moz-placeholder {
color: _palette(fg-light) !important;
opacity: 1.0;
:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: _palette(fg-light) !important;
opacity: 1.0;
.formerize-placeholder {
color: _palette(fg-light) !important;
opacity: 1.0;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Icon */
.icon {
@include icon;
border-bottom: none;
position: relative;
> .label {
display: none;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Image */
.image {
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
border: 0;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
&:before {
@include vendor('pointer-events', 'none');
background-image: url('/images/overlay.png');
background-color: _palette(bg-overlay);
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
content: '';
display: block;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
opacity: 0.5;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
img {
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
display: block;
&.right {
max-width: 40%;
img {
width: 100%;
&.left {
float: left;
padding: 0 1.5em 1em 0;
top: 0.25em;
&.right {
float: right;
padding: 0 0 1em 1.5em;
top: 0.25em;
&.fit {
display: block;
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
width: 100%;
img {
width: 100%;
&.main {
display: block;
margin: (_size(element-margin) * 1.25) 0;
width: 100%;
img {
width: 100%;
@include breakpoint(small) {
&.main {
margin: (_size(element-margin) * 1) 0;
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
&.main {
margin: (_size(element-margin) * 0.75) 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* List */
ol {
list-style: decimal;
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
padding-left: 1.25em;
li {
padding-left: 0.25em;
ul {
list-style: disc;
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
padding-left: 1em;
li {
padding-left: 0.5em;
&.alt {
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0;
li {
border-top: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
padding: 0.5em 0;
&:first-child {
border-top: 0;
padding-top: 0;
&.icons {
cursor: default;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0;
li {
display: inline-block;
padding: 0 0.75em 0 0;
&:last-child {
padding-right: 0;
a {
border-radius: 100%;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 _size(border-width) _palette(border);
display: inline-block;
height: 2.25rem;
line-height: 2.25rem;
text-align: center;
width: 2.25rem;
&:hover {
background-color: _palette(border-bg);
&:active {
background-color: _palette(border-bg-alt);
&.actions {
cursor: default;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0;
li {
display: inline-block;
padding: 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0 0;
vertical-align: middle;
&:last-child {
padding-right: 0;
&.small {
li {
padding: 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.25) 0 0;
&.vertical {
li {
display: block;
padding: (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0 0 0;
&:first-child {
padding-top: 0;
> * {
margin-bottom: 0;
&.small {
li {
padding: (_size(element-margin) * 0.25) 0 0 0;
&:first-child {
padding-top: 0;
&.fit {
display: table;
margin-left: (_size(element-margin) * -0.5);
padding: 0;
table-layout: fixed;
width: calc(100% + #{(_size(element-margin) * 0.5)});
li {
display: table-cell;
padding: 0 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5);
> * {
margin-bottom: 0;
&.small {
margin-left: (_size(element-margin) * -0.25);
width: calc(100% + #{(_size(element-margin) * 0.25)});
li {
padding: 0 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.25);
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
li {
padding: (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0 0 0;
display: block;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
&:first-child {
padding-top: 0;
> * {
width: 100%;
margin: 0 !important;
&.icon {
&:before {
margin-left: -2em;
&.small {
li {
padding: (_size(element-margin) * 0.25) 0 0 0;
&:first-child {
padding-top: 0;
dl {
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
dt {
display: block;
font-weight: _font(weight-bold);
margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0;
dd {
margin-left: _size(element-margin);

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Table */
.table-wrapper {
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
overflow-x: auto;
table {
margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
width: 100%;
tbody {
tr {
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
&:nth-child(2n + 1) {
background-color: _palette(border-bg);
td {
padding: 0.75em 0.75em;
th {
color: _palette(fg-bold);
font-size: 0.9em;
font-weight: _font(weight-bold);
padding: 0 0.75em 0.75em 0.75em;
text-align: left;
thead {
border-bottom: solid (_size(border-width) * 2) _palette(border);
tfoot {
border-top: solid (_size(border-width) * 2) _palette(border);
&.alt {
border-collapse: separate;
tbody {
tr {
td {
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
border-left-width: 0;
border-top-width: 0;
&:first-child {
border-left-width: _size(border-width);
&:first-child {
td {
border-top-width: _size(border-width);
thead {
border-bottom: 0;
tfoot {
border-top: 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
@import 'libs/vars';
@import 'libs/functions';
@import 'libs/mixins';
@import 'libs/skel';
Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* BG */
#bg {
&:before {
background: _palette(bg-overlay);
/* Header */
#header {
.logo {
margin: 0 auto;
.content {
display: inline-block;
nav {
ul {
display: inline-block;
li {
display: inline-block;
/* Main */
#main {
article {
margin: 0 auto;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* BG */
#bg {
@include vendor('transform', 'scale(1.0)');
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
z-index: 1;
&:before, &:after {
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
&:before {
@include vendor('transition', 'background-color #{_duration(bg)} ease-in-out');
@include vendor('transition-delay', '#{_duration(intro)}');
background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #{_palette(bg-overlay)}, #{_palette(bg-overlay)}),
background-size: auto,
256px 256px;
background-position: center,
background-repeat: no-repeat,
z-index: 2;
&:after {
@include vendor('transform', 'scale(1.125)');
@include vendor('transition', (
'transform #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
'filter #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out'
background-image: url('/images/bg.jpg');
background-position: center;
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
z-index: 1;
} & {
&:after {
@include vendor('transform', 'scale(1.0825)');
@include vendor('filter', 'blur(0.2rem)');
} & {
&:before {
background-color: _palette(bg-alt);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Footer */
#footer {
@include vendor('transition', (
'transform #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
'filter #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
'opacity #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
margin-top: 2rem;
text-align: center;
.copyright {
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing);
font-size: 0.6rem;
opacity: 0.75;
margin-bottom: 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
} & {
@include vendor('transform', 'scale(0.95)');
@include vendor('filter', 'blur(0.1rem)');
opacity: 0;
} & {
opacity: 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Header */
#header {
@include vendor('display', 'flex');
@include vendor('flex-direction', 'column');
@include vendor('align-items', 'center');
@include vendor('transition', (
'transform #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
'filter #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
'opacity #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 25%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 55%);
background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 25%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 55%);
background-image: -ms-radial-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 25%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 55%);
background-image: radial-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 25%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 55%);
max-width: 100%;
text-align: center;
> * {
@include vendor('transition', 'opacity #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out');
position: relative;
margin-top: 3.5rem;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: calc(-3.5rem - 1px);
left: calc(50% - #{_size(border-width) * 1});
width: _size(border-width);
height: calc(3.5rem + 1px);
background: _palette(border);
> :first-child {
margin-top: 0;
&:before {
display: none;
.logo {
width: 5.5rem;
height: 5.5rem;
line-height: 5.5rem;
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
border-radius: 100%;
.icon {
&:before {
font-size: 2rem;
.content {
border-style: solid;
border-color: _palette(border);
border-top-width: _size(border-width);
border-bottom-width: _size(border-width);
max-width: 100%;
.inner {
@include vendor('transition', (
'max-height #{_duration(intro)} ease',
'padding #{_duration(intro)} ease',
'opacity #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out'
@include vendor('transition-delay', '0.25s');
padding: 3rem 2rem;
max-height: 40rem;
overflow: hidden;
> :last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
p {
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing);
font-size: 0.8rem;
line-height: 2;
nav {
ul {
@include vendor('display', 'flex');
margin-bottom: 0;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0;
border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
li {
padding-left: 0;
border-left: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
&:first-child {
border-left: 0;
a {
display: block;
min-width: 7.5rem;
height: 2.75rem;
line-height: 2.75rem;
padding: 0 1.25rem 0 (1.25rem + _font(letter-spacing));
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: _font(letter-spacing);
font-size: 0.8rem;
border-bottom: 0;
&:hover {
background-color: _palette(border-bg);
&:active {
background-color: _palette(border-bg-alt);
&.use-middle {
&:after {
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: calc(50% - #{_size(border-width) * 1});
width: _size(border-width);
height: 100%;
background: _palette(border);
ul {
li {
&.is-middle {
border-left: 0;
} & {
@include vendor('transform', 'scale(0.95)');
@include vendor('filter', 'blur(0.1rem)');
opacity: 0;
} & {
> * {
opacity: 0;
@include vendor('filter', 'blur(0.125rem)');
.content {
.inner {
max-height: 0;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
opacity: 0;
@include breakpoint(medium) {
.content {
p {
br {
display: none;
@include breakpoint(small) {
> * {
margin-top: 2rem;
&:before {
top: calc(-2rem - 1px);
height: calc(2rem + 1px);
.logo {
width: 4.75rem;
height: 4.75rem;
line-height: 4.75rem;
.icon {
&:before {
font-size: 1.75rem;
.content {
.inner {
padding: 2.5rem 1rem;
p {
line-height: 1.875;
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
padding: 1.5rem 0;
.content {
.inner {
padding: 2.5rem 0;
nav {
ul {
@include vendor('flex-direction', 'column');
min-width: 10rem;
max-width: 100%;
li {
border-left: 0;
border-top: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
&:first-child {
border-top: 0;
a {
height: 3rem;
line-height: 3rem;
min-width: 0;
width: 100%;
&.use-middle {
&:after {
display: none;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Main */
#main {
@include vendor('flex-grow', '1');
@include vendor('flex-shrink', '1');
@include vendor('display', 'flex');
@include vendor('align-items', 'center');
@include vendor('justify-content', 'center');
@include vendor('flex-direction', 'column');
position: relative;
max-width: 100%;
z-index: 3;
article {
@include vendor('transform', 'translateY(0.25rem)');
@include vendor('transition', (
'opacity #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out',
'transform #{_duration(article)} ease-in-out'
@include padding(2.5rem, 2.5rem, (2rem, 0, 1rem, 0));
position: relative;
width: 40rem;
max-width: 100%;
background-color: transparentize(_palette(bg), 0.15);
border-radius: _size(border-radius);
opacity: 0;
&.active {
@include vendor('transform', 'translateY(0)');
opacity: 1;
.close {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
width: 4rem;
height: 4rem;
cursor: pointer;
text-indent: 4rem;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
&:before {
@include vendor('transition', 'background-color #{_duration(transition)} ease-in-out');
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0.75rem;
left: 0.75rem;
width: 2.5rem;
height: 2.5rem;
border-radius: 100%;
background-position: center;
background-image: svg-url('<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="20px" height="20px" viewBox="0 0 20 20" zoomAndPan="disable"><style>line { stroke: #{_palette(border)}; stroke-width: 1; }</style><line x1="2" y1="2" x2="18" y2="18" /><line x1="18" y1="2" x2="2" y2="18" /></svg>');
background-size: 20px 20px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
&:hover {
&:before {
background-color: _palette(border-bg);
&:active {
&:before {
background-color: _palette(border-bg-alt);
@include breakpoint(small) {
article {
@include padding(2rem, 2rem, (1.5rem, 0, 0.5rem, 0));
.close {
&:before {
top: 0.875rem;
left: 0.875rem;
width: 2.25rem;
height: 2.25rem;
background-size: 14px 14px;
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
article {
@include padding(2rem, 1.5rem, (1rem, 0, 0.5rem, 0));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/// Dimension by HTML5 UP
/// | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Wrapper */
#wrapper {
@include vendor('display', 'flex');
@include vendor('flex-direction', 'column');
@include vendor('align-items', 'center');
@include vendor('justify-content', 'space-between');
position: relative;
min-height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
padding: 4rem 2rem;
z-index: 3;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
@include breakpoint(xlarge) {
padding: 3rem 2rem;
@include breakpoint(small) {
padding: 2rem 1rem;
@include breakpoint(xsmall) {
padding: 1rem;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/// Gets a duration value.
/// @param {string} $keys Key(s).
/// @return {string} Value.
@function _duration($keys...) {
@return val($duration, $keys...);
/// Gets a font value.
/// @param {string} $keys Key(s).
/// @return {string} Value.
@function _font($keys...) {
@return val($font, $keys...);
/// Gets a misc value.
/// @param {string} $keys Key(s).
/// @return {string} Value.
@function _misc($keys...) {
@return val($misc, $keys...);
/// Gets a palette value.
/// @param {string} $keys Key(s).
/// @return {string} Value.
@function _palette($keys...) {
@return val($palette, $keys...);
/// Gets a size value.
/// @param {string} $keys Key(s).
/// @return {string} Value.
@function _size($keys...) {
@return val($size, $keys...);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
/// Makes an element's :before pseudoelement a FontAwesome icon.
/// @param {string} $content Optional content value to use.
/// @param {string} $where Optional pseudoelement to target (before or after).
@mixin icon($content: false, $where: before) {
text-decoration: none;
&:#{$where} {
@if $content {
content: $content;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
text-transform: none !important;
/// Applies padding to an element, taking the current element-margin value into account.
/// @param {mixed} $tb Top/bottom padding.
/// @param {mixed} $lr Left/right padding.
/// @param {list} $pad Optional extra padding (in the following order top, right, bottom, left)
/// @param {bool} $important If true, adds !important.
@mixin padding($tb, $lr, $pad: (0,0,0,0), $important: null) {
@if $important {
$important: '!important';
$x: 0.1em;
@if unit(_size(element-margin)) == 'rem' {
$x: 0.1rem;
padding: ($tb + nth($pad,1)) ($lr + nth($pad,2)) max($x, $tb - _size(element-margin) + nth($pad,3)) ($lr + nth($pad,4)) #{$important};
/// Encodes a SVG data URL so IE doesn't choke (via
/// @param {string} $svg SVG data URL.
/// @return {string} Encoded SVG data URL.
@function svg-url($svg) {
$svg: str-replace($svg, '"', '\'');
$svg: str-replace($svg, '<', '%3C');
$svg: str-replace($svg, '>', '%3E');
$svg: str-replace($svg, '&', '%26');
$svg: str-replace($svg, '#', '%23');
$svg: str-replace($svg, '{', '%7B');
$svg: str-replace($svg, '}', '%7D');
$svg: str-replace($svg, ';', '%3B');
@return url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,#{$svg}");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
// skel.scss v3.0.1 | (c) | MIT licensed */
// Vars.
/// Breakpoints.
/// @var {list}
$breakpoints: () !global;
/// Vendor prefixes.
/// @var {list}
$vendor-prefixes: (
/// Properties that should be vendorized.
/// @var {list}
$vendor-properties: (
/// Values that should be vendorized.
/// @var {list}
$vendor-values: (
// Functions.
/// Removes a specific item from a list.
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @param {list} $list List.
/// @param {integer} $index Index.
/// @return {list} Updated list.
@function remove-nth($list, $index) {
$result: null;
@if type-of($index) != number {
@warn "$index: #{quote($index)} is not a number for `remove-nth`.";
@else if $index == 0 {
@warn "List index 0 must be a non-zero integer for `remove-nth`.";
@else if abs($index) > length($list) {
@warn "List index is #{$index} but list is only #{length($list)} item long for `remove-nth`.";
@else {
$result: ();
$index: if($index < 0, length($list) + $index + 1, $index);
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
@if $i != $index {
$result: append($result, nth($list, $i));
@return $result;
/// Replaces a substring within another string.
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @param {string} $string String.
/// @param {string} $search Substring.
/// @param {string} $replace Replacement.
/// @return {string} Updated string.
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: '') {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
@return $string;
/// Replaces a substring within each string in a list.
/// @param {list} $strings List of strings.
/// @param {string} $search Substring.
/// @param {string} $replace Replacement.
/// @return {list} Updated list of strings.
@function str-replace-all($strings, $search, $replace: '') {
@each $string in $strings {
$strings: set-nth($strings, index($strings, $string), str-replace($string, $search, $replace));
@return $strings;
/// Gets a value from a map.
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @param {map} $map Map.
/// @param {string} $keys Key(s).
/// @return {string} Value.
@function val($map, $keys...) {
@if nth($keys, 1) == null {
$keys: remove-nth($keys, 1);
@each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get($map, $key);
@return $map;
// Mixins.
/// Sets the global box model.
/// @param {string} $model Model (default is content).
@mixin boxModel($model: 'content') {
$x: $model + '-box';
*, *:before, *:after {
-moz-box-sizing: #{$x};
-webkit-box-sizing: #{$x};
box-sizing: #{$x};
/// Wraps @content in a @media block using a given breakpoint.
/// @param {string} $breakpoint Breakpoint.
/// @param {map} $queries Additional queries.
@mixin breakpoint($breakpoint: null, $queries: null) {
$query: 'screen';
// Breakpoint.
@if $breakpoint and map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {
$query: $query + ' and ' + map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint);
// Queries.
@if $queries {
@each $k, $v in $queries {
$query: $query + ' and (' + $k + ':' + $v + ')';
@media #{$query} {
/// Wraps @content in a @media block targeting a specific orientation.
/// @param {string} $orientation Orientation.
@mixin orientation($orientation) {
@media screen and (orientation: #{$orientation}) {
/// Utility mixin for containers.
/// @param {mixed} $width Width.
@mixin containers($width) {
// Locked?
$lock: false;
@if length($width) == 2 {
$width: nth($width, 1);
$lock: true;
// Modifiers.
.container.\31 25\25 { width: 100%; max-width: $width * 1.25; min-width: $width; }
.container.\37 5\25 { width: $width * 0.75; }
.container.\35 0\25 { width: $width * 0.5; }
.container.\32 5\25 { width: $width * 0.25; }
// Main class.
.container {
@if $lock {
width: $width !important;
@else {
width: $width;
/// Utility mixin for grid.
/// @param {list} $gutters Column and row gutters (default is 40px).
/// @param {string} $breakpointName Optional breakpoint name.
@mixin grid($gutters: 40px, $breakpointName: null) {
// Gutters.
@include grid-gutters($gutters);
@include grid-gutters($gutters, \32 00\25, 2);
@include grid-gutters($gutters, \31 50\25, 1.5);
@include grid-gutters($gutters, \35 0\25, 0.5);
@include grid-gutters($gutters, \32 5\25, 0.25);
// Cells.
$x: '';
@if $breakpointName {
$x: '\\28' + $breakpointName + '\\29';
.\31 2u#{$x}, .\31 2u\24#{$x} { width: 100%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\31 1u#{$x}, .\31 1u\24#{$x} { width: 91.6666666667%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\31 0u#{$x}, .\31 0u\24#{$x} { width: 83.3333333333%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\39 u#{$x}, .\39 u\24#{$x} { width: 75%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\38 u#{$x}, .\38 u\24#{$x} { width: 66.6666666667%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\37 u#{$x}, .\37 u\24#{$x} { width: 58.3333333333%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\36 u#{$x}, .\36 u\24#{$x} { width: 50%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\35 u#{$x}, .\35 u\24#{$x} { width: 41.6666666667%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\34 u#{$x}, .\34 u\24#{$x} { width: 33.3333333333%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\33 u#{$x}, .\33 u\24#{$x} { width: 25%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\32 u#{$x}, .\32 u\24#{$x} { width: 16.6666666667%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\31 u#{$x}, .\31 u\24#{$x} { width: 8.3333333333%; clear: none; margin-left: 0; }
.\31 2u\24#{$x} + *,
.\31 1u\24#{$x} + *,
.\31 0u\24#{$x} + *,
.\39 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\38 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\37 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\36 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\35 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\34 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\33 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\32 u\24#{$x} + *,
.\31 u\24#{$x} + * {
clear: left;
.\-11u#{$x} { margin-left: 91.6666666667% }
.\-10u#{$x} { margin-left: 83.3333333333% }
.\-9u#{$x} { margin-left: 75% }
.\-8u#{$x} { margin-left: 66.6666666667% }
.\-7u#{$x} { margin-left: 58.3333333333% }
.\-6u#{$x} { margin-left: 50% }
.\-5u#{$x} { margin-left: 41.6666666667% }
.\-4u#{$x} { margin-left: 33.3333333333% }
.\-3u#{$x} { margin-left: 25% }
.\-2u#{$x} { margin-left: 16.6666666667% }
.\-1u#{$x} { margin-left: 8.3333333333% }
/// Utility mixin for grid.
/// @param {list} $gutters Gutters.
/// @param {string} $class Optional class name.
/// @param {integer} $multiplier Multiplier (default is 1).
@mixin grid-gutters($gutters, $class: null, $multiplier: 1) {
// Expand gutters if it's not a list.
@if length($gutters) == 1 {
$gutters: ($gutters, 0);
// Get column and row gutter values.
$c: nth($gutters, 1);
$r: nth($gutters, 2);
// Get class (if provided).
$x: '';
@if $class {
$x: '.' + $class;
// Default.
.row#{$x} > * { padding: ($r * $multiplier) 0 0 ($c * $multiplier); }
.row#{$x} { margin: ($r * $multiplier * -1) 0 -1px ($c * $multiplier * -1); }
// Uniform.
.row.uniform#{$x} > * { padding: ($c * $multiplier) 0 0 ($c * $multiplier); }
.row.uniform#{$x} { margin: ($c * $multiplier * -1) 0 -1px ($c * $multiplier * -1); }
/// Wraps @content in vendorized keyframe blocks.
/// @param {string} $name Name.
@mixin keyframes($name) {
@-moz-keyframes #{$name} { @content; }
@-webkit-keyframes #{$name} { @content; }
@-ms-keyframes #{$name} { @content; }
@keyframes #{$name} { @content; }
/// Sets breakpoints.
/// @param {map} $x Breakpoints.
@mixin skel-breakpoints($x: ()) {
$breakpoints: $x !global;
/// Initializes layout module.
/// @param {map} config Config.
@mixin skel-layout($config: ()) {
// Config.
$configPerBreakpoint: ();
$z: map-get($config, 'breakpoints');
@if $z {
$configPerBreakpoint: $z;
// Reset.
$x: map-get($config, 'reset');
@if $x {
/* Reset */
@include reset($x);
// Box model.
$x: map-get($config, 'boxModel');
@if $x {
/* Box Model */
@include boxModel($x);
// Containers.
$containers: map-get($config, 'containers');
@if $containers {
/* Containers */
.container {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
// Use default is $containers is just "true".
@if $containers == true {
$containers: 960px;
// Apply base.
@include containers($containers);
// Apply per-breakpoint.
@each $name in map-keys($breakpoints) {
// Get/use breakpoint setting if it exists.
$x: map-get($configPerBreakpoint, $name);
// Per-breakpoint config exists?
@if $x {
$y: map-get($x, 'containers');
// Setting exists? Use it.
@if $y {
$containers: $y;
// Create @media block.
@media screen and #{map-get($breakpoints, $name)} {
@include containers($containers);
// Grid.
$grid: map-get($config, 'grid');
@if $grid {
/* Grid */
// Use defaults if $grid is just "true".
@if $grid == true {
$grid: ();
// Sub-setting: Gutters.
$grid-gutters: 40px;
$x: map-get($grid, 'gutters');
@if $x {
$grid-gutters: $x;
// Rows.
.row {
border-bottom: solid 1px transparent;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
.row > * {
float: left;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
.row:after, .row:before {
content: '';
display: block;
clear: both;
height: 0;
.row.uniform > * > :first-child {
margin-top: 0;
.row.uniform > * > :last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
// Gutters (0%).
@include grid-gutters($grid-gutters, \30 \25, 0);
// Apply base.
@include grid($grid-gutters);
// Apply per-breakpoint.
@each $name in map-keys($breakpoints) {
// Get/use breakpoint setting if it exists.
$x: map-get($configPerBreakpoint, $name);
// Per-breakpoint config exists?
@if $x {
$y: map-get($x, 'grid');
// Setting exists?
@if $y {
// Sub-setting: Gutters.
$x: map-get($y, 'gutters');
@if $x {
$grid-gutters: $x;
// Create @media block.
@media screen and #{map-get($breakpoints, $name)} {
@include grid($grid-gutters, $name);
/// Resets browser styles.
/// @param {string} $mode Mode (default is 'normalize').
@mixin reset($mode: 'normalize') {
@if $mode == 'normalize' {
// normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License |
html{font-family:sans-serif;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,menu,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}a{background-color:transparent}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}abbr[title]{border-bottom:1px dotted}b,strong{font-weight:700}dfn{font-style:italic}h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 0}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}small{font-size:80%}sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-.5em}sub{bottom:-.25em}img{border:0}svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}figure{margin:1em 40px}hr{-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;height:0}pre{overflow:auto}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-family:monospace,monospace;font-size:1em}button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{color:inherit;font:inherit;margin:0}button{overflow:visible}button,select{text-transform:none}button,html input[type=button],input[type=reset],input[type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}button[disabled],html input[disabled]{cursor:default}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{border:0;padding:0}input{line-height:normal}input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto}input[type=search]{-webkit-appearance:textfield;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box}input[type=search]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,input[type=search]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none}fieldset{border:1px solid silver;margin:0 2px;padding:.35em .625em .75em}legend{border:0;padding:0}textarea{overflow:auto}optgroup{font-weight:700}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}td,th{padding:0}
@else if $mode == 'full' {
// v2.0 | 20110126 | License: none (public domain)
/// Vendorizes a declaration's property and/or value(s).
/// @param {string} $property Property.
/// @param {mixed} $value String/list of value(s).
@mixin vendor($property, $value) {
// Determine if property should expand.
$expandProperty: index($vendor-properties, $property);
// Determine if value should expand (and if so, add '-prefix-' placeholder).
$expandValue: false;
@each $x in $value {
@each $y in $vendor-values {
@if $y == str-slice($x, 1, str-length($y)) {
$value: set-nth($value, index($value, $x), '-prefix-' + $x);
$expandValue: true;
// Expand property?
@if $expandProperty {
@each $vendor in $vendor-prefixes {
#{$vendor}#{$property}: #{str-replace-all($value, '-prefix-', $vendor)};
// Expand just the value?
@elseif $expandValue {
@each $vendor in $vendor-prefixes {
#{$property}: #{str-replace-all($value, '-prefix-', $vendor)};
// Neither? Treat them as a normal declaration.
@else {
#{$property}: #{$value};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Misc.
$misc: (
z-index-base: 10000
// Duration.
$duration: (
transition: 0.2s,
bg: 2.5s,
intro: 0.75s,
article: 0.325s
// Size.
$size: (
border-radius: 4px,
border-width: 1px,
element-height: 2.75rem,
element-margin: 2rem
// Font.
$font: (
family: ('Source Sans Pro', sans-serif),
family-fixed: ('Courier New', monospace),
weight: 300,
weight-bold: 600,
letter-spacing: 0.2rem,
letter-spacing-heading: 0.5rem
// Palette.
$palette: (
bg: #1b1f22,
bg-alt: #000000,
bg-overlay: rgba(19,21,25,0.5),
fg: #ffffff,
fg-bold: #ffffff,
fg-light: rgba(255,255,255,0.5),
border: #ffffff,
border-bg: rgba(255,255,255,0.075),
border-bg-alt: rgba(255,255,255,0.175)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
@import 'libs/vars';
@import 'libs/functions';
@import 'libs/mixins';
@import 'libs/skel';
@import 'font-awesome.min.css';
@import url(',600italic,300,600');
Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
@include skel-breakpoints((
xlarge: '(max-width: 1680px)',
large: '(max-width: 1280px)',
medium: '(max-width: 980px)',
small: '(max-width: 736px)',
xsmall: '(max-width: 480px)',
xxsmall: '(max-width: 360px)'
@include skel-layout((
reset: 'full',
boxModel: 'border'
// Base.
@import 'base/page';
@import 'base/typography';
// Component.
@import 'components/form';
@import 'components/box';
@import 'components/icon';
@import 'components/image';
@import 'components/list';
@import 'components/table';
@import 'components/button';
// Layout.
@import 'layout/bg';
@import 'layout/wrapper';
@import 'layout/header';
@import 'layout/main';
@import 'layout/footer';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
@import 'libs/vars';
@import 'libs/functions';
@import 'libs/mixins';
@import 'libs/skel';
Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
/* Main */
#main {
article {
opacity: 1;
margin: (_size(element-margin) * 2) 0 0 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<urlset xmlns="">

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit e9cc1afd397bb012444a6a8a9fb37a9ae2aba3e1