# OVH-server-tracker An OVH server tracker for Kimsufi, maybe So You Start. ## Purpose The objective is to **send notifications** when the Kimsufi server you want is available in the zone(s) desired. There is many type of notification listed here : https://github.com/caronc/apprise Actualy only email, xmpp are supported here. Easy to integrate other (see `src/notifications.py`) Discord and Matrix are planned. ## Documentation ### References and zones In `config/`, you can find [the list of references](https://git.dryusdan.fr/Dryusdan/OVH-server-tracker/src/branch/stable/config/refToName.yml) Zone are fra, gra, rbx, sbg for Kimsufi ## Installation + `git clone https://git.dryusdan.fr/Dryusdan/OVH-server-tracker.git` + `cd /OVH-server-tracker` + Create virtual environment: `python3 -m venv .` + Source it: `source bin/activate` + Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt` + `cp config/kimsufi.sample.yml config/kimsufi.yml` + Edit *config/kimsufi.yml* + `python3 servertracker.py`