# ansible-plume ## Explenation A Ansible playbook to install and upgrade [Plume](https://github.com/Plume-org/Plume). This role install Plume without reverse proxy, backup, or PostgreSQL and it needs to be used with PostgreSQL. The [vars.yml](https://git.drycat.fr/Dryusdan/ansible-plume/src/branch/master/vars.yml) is an example of each variables. Theses variables are used in `.env` file. There are listed on [the Plume's doc](https://docs.joinplu.me/environment/). ## How to use it ? First, you need to [install Ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/intro_installation.html). You need also make Ansible inventory... (French article : https://noskillbrain.fr/2017/10/18/ansible/ and https://www.cyphercat.eu/deploiement-et-automatisation-avec-ansible-partie-1/ ). After you need to clone this repo in your roles folder. YOu need tip this command : ``` ansible-playbook -i hosts plume.yml ``` And that all, Plume is installed (or updated). If you want a good Ansible Playbook for PostgreSQL, I recommand this : https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-postgresql ## List of variables | Varibles | Explanation | | -------- | -------- | | base_url | The domain name, or IP and port on which Plume is listening. It is used in all federation-related code. | | domain | The domain of instance | | licence | The default licence of each article | | display_name | The name of admin | | admin_name | The username of admin (for login) | | admin_email | The email of admin | | db_user | The postgresql user | | db_password | The password of postgresql | | db_name | The name of database | | db_host | The postgresql host | | db_port | The port of postgresql | | rocket_address | The adress on which Plume should listen | | rocket_port | The port on which Plume should listen (7878 by default) | | rocket_secret_key | Key used to sign private cookies and for CSRF protection. If it is not set, it will be regenerated everytime you restart Plume, meaning that all your users will get disconnected. You can generate one with `openssl rand -base64 32`. | | mail_server | The SMTP server to connect to. | | mail_user | The username of the user that sends emails. | | mail_password | It's password. | | mail_helo_name | The name sent during EHLO/HELO. |